The Dean of Students Office works in partnership with student leaders to oversee all aspects of the student experience, and create an environment in which every student understands that they are a critical part of our community. This includes ensuring that all systems and practices that support student life provide equitable access to Putney’s resources and opportunities.

Every Student is a Valuable Part of Putney
This is where they’re figuring themselves out. This is where they’re able to stumble and fall, and know there’s a safety net. They’ve got peers and adults around to help celebrate the wins, and pick them back up when they need a helping hand or someone to listen to. Our deans support all aspects of the residential life experience, including:
Day student support
Student leadership development
Student conduct and community concerns
New student orientation
Counseling and health services
It could be anything from baking things on campus, to taking hikes up a mountain, to going to a movie or going shopping. I just go along with the flow. It’s really about being present and listening, and lending a hand to keep the needle moving. ‘Let me know how I can help.’ That’s literally what I say.” — Tarah Greenidge, Dean of Students
There’s way more student involvement here than anywhere else. At other schools, the weekend would be created by an adult in a student activities position. I would be planning different things for them. Here, the students are doing it.” — Tarah Greenidge, Dean of Students
Here's some of our evening and weekend activities, and examples of our ever-evolving groups across campus.
- Hanging by the fire ring behind the field house (built by students during work day)
- Weekend events to downtown Brattleboro and Northampton
- Hiking with the Putney Outdoors Program (POP)
- Relaxing on the hill in the sun
- Reading by the fire in the library
- Enjoying treats with your dorm
- Student gatherings such at the Tea Club
- Sunday church
- Pick-up soccer after dinner
Student-Led Groups
- Diversity Committee
- Feminism
- Model UN
- Poetry
- POP (Putney Outdoor Program)
- Spectrum
- Sustainability Squad
- POC Affinity