From gift planning options, endowment gifts, IRA rollover contributions and more, we offer a variety of ways for you to financially support The Putney School.
From gift planning options, endowment gifts, IRA rollover contributions and more, we offer a variety of ways for you to financially support The Putney School.
Bequests are a powerful way to give, and are vital to our vision. We invite you to join our Legacy Circle.
Create a lasting legacy by supporting the programs at Putney that you care most about.
Make thoughtful contributions and avoid taxes you may have to pay on withdrawals.
If you use a donor-advised fund (DAF) to distribute your charitable contributions, this online tool simplifies and speeds up the process.
Gifts of real estate, art, musical instruments, equipment, furnishings, or other tangible property may make wonderful and useful gifts to Putney. Some types of gifts provide valuable tax benefits to the donor.
Please email us of your intent to donate appreciated shares before initiating transfer if possible. Stock gifts are acknowledged based on the date they are received in the Putney School account below.
Please allow time for your broker to process your request, especially at the end of December and June.
Brokerage transfer of securities via First Clearing DTC to The Putney School:
DTC # 0141
Putney School Account
# ****-8094
Putney School Tax I.D.
# 03-0179305
Wells Fargo Advisor:
Bridget Bokum
Financial Advisor
PO Box 2469
West Brattleboro VT 05303
802-251-0100 or
fax 802-251-0220
We are happy to hear from you, answer any questions, or help you make a gift. Email Assistant Director of Development Carlotta Cuerdon, Director of Development Kalya Yannatos, or call 802-387-6248.