We look for driven, creative students who want to take advantage of their intellectual freedom and autonomy both in the classroom and across their experience of our school. Putney is all about students chasing their intellectual curiosities, forging connections, and working with adults to help this place run and evolve.

If Putney didn’t already exist, we want students who would invent it for themselves.
What Success Looks Like
Putney teachers describe their most successful students as those with an appetite for learning, more than for accolades and class rankings. Students who thrive are eager to seize responsibility for their own education. Putney works best for learners who are excited by their own curiosity and who aren’t afraid of their own intellectual momentum.
Putney students regularly devise questions, challenge assumptions, and propose new directions to pursue. And we believe that’s the way it should be.
Who We Are
We value the idea that education is something to be actively pursued rather than passively received, and that when students learn by doing rather than being told, they develop confidence, deeper understanding, and resolve.